Ruling Party To Hold National Council On Sunday

The interim secretary-general of Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD), Codrin Stefanescu, told MEDIAFAX on Thursday that the party will hold a National Council meeting on Sunday, at the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest.


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Ruling Party To Hold National Council On Sunday

According to Stefanescu, the meeting will start at 16.00 local time and will see elections for the seat of National Council chairman, as well the appointment of the party’s national specialized departments and their coordinators.

Political sources told MEDIAFAX that a new meeting of the party’s executive committee will also take place on Sunday, possibly at 15.00 local time, before the National Council reunion.

PSD Chairman Liviu Dragnea announced on November 19 that the party’s executive committee voted former Defense Minister Mihai Fifor as interim chairman of the National Council.

A controversial Government decree amending the country’s criminal codes, as well as a new announced local investments fund worth EUR10 billion could be among the subjects discussed at the council meeting.

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