Ruling Party to Vote Against No-Confidence Motions on Finance and Justice Ministers

Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) will vote against two no-confidence motions filed by opposition parties on Justice Minister Tudorel Toader and Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici on Wednesday, according to PSD Lower Chamber group leader Alfred Simonis.


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Ruling Party to Vote Against No-Confidence Motions on Finance and Justice Ministers

Following a group meeting of social democrat MPs on Monday, Simonis announced that the two votes are scheduled to take place beginning with 12.00 local time on Wednesday.

The motion against the justice minister was initially scheduled for debate and vote two weeks ago, but was postponed due to a lack of quorum after PSD MPs decided to not take part in the Lower Chamber session.

Opposition parties PNL, USR and PMP have since filed a no-confidence motion against Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici, mainly criticizing his late 2018 decree which instated several controversial fiscal measures.

The motions are non-binding, so the two ministers will not be forced to resign even if they pass.

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