Union leader Ion Radoi told a news conference Monday employees might trigger a work conflict mid-November and go as far as staging a full-blown strike if the Government lowers the company’s budget or eliminates workers’ bonuses for special conditions when it drafts the 2011 state budget.
Radoi said he met with Metrorex manager Gheorghe Udriste, who said the International Monetary Fund has required a cut in wage costs, namely the elimination of bonuses and widening the 25% wage cut in the public sector to state-run companies that incur losses.
The union leader said the subway company isn’t registering losses but a debt to Alstom, which provides maintenance services, adding he doesn’t understand why the company is on the IMF’s list of monitored state companies.
Radoi said he met with Udriste on October 12 and was informed the budget for next year is being drafted and salary costs may be reduced. However, the subway company’s manager did not say when the budget would be finished. The union leader added he has asked for a meeting with Transport Minister Anca Boagiu but has yet to receive an answer.
Radoi also said bonuses for special working conditions are 25% of the monthly wage for 4,300 employees of Metrorex and 480 employees of Alstom. He added the subway company is faced with a staff shortage of about 500 people, as the number of passengers has increased and subway lines have been extended to include four new stations.