Romanian Govt To Refund Full Car Tax Difference Unless Applicant Has Unpaid Fiscal Dues

Publicat: 25 06. 2008, 13:57
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:56

Vehicle owners may ask the fiscal administration to refund the tax difference if they consider the tax paid in Jan 1, 2007 – Jun 30, 2008 is higher than the pollution tax calculated in Romanian lei at the indicative exchange rate at the time of vehicle registration in Romania.

Vehicle owners must attach to they refund application the receipt attesting the payment of the car tax and copies of the identity card and vehicle’s registration. The same documents are required when vehicles are leasing-acquired.

"Upon receiving the refund application, the fiscal body will ask the state treasury in writing to confirm that the applicant has indeed paid the car tax and to provide data on any overdue fiscal obligations the applicant has. If the applicant has dues to the state, the refund will subtract those obligations,” sources within the Ministry of Economy and Finance told MEDIAFAX.

The sources added the procedure to retain overdue fiscal obligations from the car tax refund has been stipulated in the norms for the enforcement of the ordinance introducing the pollution tax for cars.

Mihai Hura, director within the Ministry of Economy and Finance said Tuesday the tax difference would be refunded within 45 days of the submission of the application and required documents, according to the Fiscal Procedure Code.