Romanian Govt Assures EU 112 Emergency Call Sys Will Work

Publicat: 09 01. 2008, 14:54
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:20
The government on Wednesday approved a memo regarding the action plan to render the emergency call service more efficient, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.
"The European Commission will be assured the system will work in compliance with all requirements starting February 2008," the same people said.
IT&C minister Borbely Karoly on Tuesday said the ministry would present a memo to the government on Wednesday regarding the action plan for the 112 emergency call number, and the special telecom service STS could buy caller location software.
The Romanian emergency call service has implemented a standard caller location solution that observes the European standard ETSI TS 102 164. However, mobile telecom operators have implemented customized solutions, which are not always in compliance with the same standard, and cannot be used by the 112 emergency call service, STS said Tuesday in a statement.
The European Commission said in November it opened an infringement proceeding against Romania to ensure that the single European emergency call number 112 works.
The EU Telecom rules require member states to ensure that it is possible to call the emergency services free of charge by using the single European emergency number 112. They also have to ensure that telecom operators provide emergency authorities with the caller location information for calls to 112 from fixed and mobile phones.