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Slovak Ambassador Sees No Reason For Romania To Have The Fate Of Kosovo

The Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in Romania, Dagmar Repcekova, told a news conference Monday she sees no reason why the Kosovo model should be applied in Romania, saying Transylvania “does not have the bloody history Kosovo does”.
Slovak Ambassador Sees No Reason For Romania To Have The Fate Of Kosovo
18 feb. 2008, 14:50, English
Dagmar Repcekova said any “momentary demands” of ethnic Hungarian leaders should stick to cultural autonomy issues.
“I see no reasons why the Kosovo model should be applied in Romania. I think these attempts by Hungarian political leaders should focus on cultural autonomy only. The rest is part of the political game,” she said.
The Slovak ambassador added the Hungarian minority in Slovakia has never requested territorial autonomy and no such actions are respected after the Kosovo issue.
The parliament in Pristina on Sunday declared the independence of the Kosovo province from Serbia, despite fierce opposition from Serbia and Russia.