Russian Inter Rao May Resume Pwr Export To Romania In ’10

Russian Inter RAO EES may resume the exports of electricity to Romania in 2010, upon the coming into force of the new energy trading contracts to be negotiated in November, a head of state-owned power grid operator Transelectrica (TEL.RO) said Wednesday.


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Russian Inter Rao May Resume Pwr Export To Romania In ’10

"The energy contracts will be negotiated as of next month. Given that in 2010 there will be other contracts, the unit in Kuchurgan (e.n. power station in the Republic of Moldova) may find export alternatives to Romania," Transelectrica deputy general manager Octavian Lohan told MEDIAFAX.

The energy imports from Kuchurgan power station are currently inexistent, as the previous contracts that Inter RAO EES had with gas provider E.ON and power distributor Electrica expired in 2009, Lohan added. The previous imports were small and were only targeting northern Moldavia and Galati area.

Romania could import energy from any of its neighboring countries, but the national energy production is more than enough to cover consumption, he said.

Transelectrica is held by the Economy Ministry.

Wednesday, Transelectrica's shares on the Bucharest Stock Exchange closed at 12.7 lei (EUR1=RON4.2930) per unit, down 0.78% on the day.

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