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Romanian Environment Min Drafts Picnic Area Law

The head of the Romanian National Agency for Environmental Protection, Mihail Faca, said Wednesday the Ministry of Environment is working on a picnic law that will compel local authorities to provide conditions for picnic goers and to fine litterers.
Romanian Environment Min Drafts Picnic Area Law
30 sept. 2009, 15:53, English

Faca told a news conference he cannot agree with fining picnic litterers as long as there are no special areas for picnics.

He added a great deal of mayors asked authorities to issue fines in these picnic areas, but as long as there is not exact area for picnics and a civilization standard set up, fining litterers would not be fair.

Faca went on saying the new law will compel local authorities to outline and outfit these areas so that cleanliness may be maintained.

„Authorities have the right to apply a minimal entry fee in these areas, just enough for weekend maintenance, and those who litter will be fined by the police, gendarmerie, local authorities and the Environment Guard,” Faca said.