Romania Closes NW Airspace Saturday Due To Approaching Volcanic Ash Cloud

Publicat: 16 04. 2010, 17:31
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:52

Romanian international airports in Oradea, Baia Mare, Cluj-Napoca and Satu Mare will not be functional starting Saturday.

Transport Ministry secretary of state Marin Anton said Friday weather conditions will be closely monitored, adding he cannot say for how long the country’s northwest airspace will stay closed.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc summoned the committee for emergency situations to analyze the problems Romania might face following the volcanic eruption in Iceland and decide what must be done to deal with the situation.

Romania’s National Meteorology Authority said Friday it estimates the ash cloud caused by the volcanic eruption in Iceland will not affect Romania directly, but will advance close to the north-west area of the country Saturday.

Meteorologists on Friday notified the Environment Ministry on the eruption of a volcano in southern Iceland.

Environment Protection Agencies in counties Bihor, Maramures and Satu Mare, in western and northern Romania will closely monitor air quality in the area.

The volcanic ash cloud, whose particles could cause aircraft engines to fail and could dim visibility for pilots, sparked a ripple effect across Europe and ruined plans for business and leisure travelers around the world as most countries in northern Europe have closed their air space and numerous flights have been grounded since Thursday.