Romanian Senate Chairman Suspends Parliament Meeting Over Quorum

Publicat: 17 12. 2010, 12:20
Actualizat: 10 11. 2012, 11:03

Geoana said he called a standing office meeting for Monday to set the calendar for debates on the motion, which was submitted Thursday over the unitary wage law for the public sector, for which the Government sought a vote of confidence. Chamber Speaker Roberta Anastase said the motion would be read Monday and debated Thursday.

Lawmakers had convened in a plenary meeting to have the motion read out Friday. The motion was then supposed to be debated and put to the vote on Monday.

On Wednesday, the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party submitted a no-confidence motion in Parliament over the wage law for 2011, for which the prime minister also sought lawmakers’ confidence vote. This motion was read out in Parliament Thursday and will be debated on Monday.