Romanian Union Confederation Cartel Alfa Puts Protest Option On Hold
Hossu added, at the end of the confederation committee reunion, attended by the leaders of Cartel Alfa affiliated unions nation wide, that the law hiking teacher salaries needs to be applied and, in addition, it needs to constitute the basis for the immediate development of a single salary law for the public sector.
"Constructive dialogue, not street action, is the only solution. If the law isn’t applied, there will be protests. If the law is applied and a unitary law is developed, there won’t be any protests," Hossu said.
Cartel Alfa unionists request a legislative frame by January 1, which would mention the salary increases for other public sector employees as well. In addition, they want this hike to be differentiated, namely more for those with low wages and less for those public sector employees with wages higher than RON3,500-4,000.
Hossu said for health and public servants, for example, salaries should be increased by an average 25% and only several percentage points should be added to those employees with higher wages.
"We will write a letter to Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu with the conclusions of the confederation reunion conclusions, and we will also request that the emergency ordinance proposed by the Government be cancelled," Hossu said.
The Cartel Alfa leader added the Government set a deadline too distant for the application of the law, as the next Government could decide to postpone the application of the law in such a manner, and not over such a long period of time, and apply the law starting February 1.
The leaders of the federations affiliated to Cartel Alfa met Thursday within a committee, to decide on the correlation of actions initiated by all federations and to find a solution that would please all members, as the 50% increase in teacher salaries is seen as unrealistic.
The leaders of the four Romanian education federations started talks Thursday with education minister Anton Anton. The unionists said the law hiking teacher salaries by 50% will not be negotiated.