Union leader Ion Radoi Tuesday told a news conference that he has been sending letters to the management of subway company Metrorex since August 25, urging for talks on a new collective labor contract. According to Radoi, the company’s management said it is open to talks on a new collective labor contract, but not a salary raise, arguing the company’s 2009 budget of revenues and expenses has yet to be approved.
Unionists set off the collective labor conflict and stressed they might go on strike between November 2 and 15.
Radoi pointed out that unionists want a 26% pay raise, adding they disagree with having the old collective labor contract extended.
According to Radoi, the company’s management told unionists that the number of passengers has doubled in 2009, the frequency traffic of subway trains was reduced from five to three minutes, another four subway stations were opened, which boosted productivity by 33%.
Radoi pointed out the company’s 4,320 employees are insufficient, adding the company needs an additional 500 employees to cope with a daily passenger traffic of 650,000 people.
Subway employees’ salaries currently range from 1,500 lei (EUR1=RON4.2840) to RON1600, plus bonuses for hard work conditions and night shifts.