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Romanian Govt Postpones Budget Revision For Next Week – Sources

Romanian ministers discussed in the government meeting Monday the draft emergency ordinance on this year's third budget revision, drafted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and decided to postpone the approval of the document for next week, official sources told MEDIAFAX.
Romanian Govt Postpones Budget Revision For Next Week – Sources
12 nov. 2007, 16:45, English

According to the draft normative act, nine ministries will have budget cuts and additional funding will be granted for the hiked pensions of farmers, salary payment in prisons and heating aid.

The list of institutions with state budget expenses reduced, already included in the emergency ordinance on the budget revision for 2007, includes the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing (which will see a cut of 65.2 million lei (EUR1 = RON3.4414)), the Ministry of Economy and Finance (cut of RON414 million), the Ministry of Defense (cut of RON382.7 million), the Ministry for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Commerce, Tourism and Liberal Professions (cut of RON50 million), the Ministry of Agriculture (cut of RON364 million), the Ministry of Environment (cut of RON350 million), the Ministry of Education (cut of RON679 million) and the Ministry of Health (cut of RON321.1 million).

The expenses of the Romanian Intelligence Service from internal credits will be decreased by RON1.8 million.