Iohannis: In recent years, Romania’s judiciary, subjected to attempts of subordination to politics

Publicat: 26 02. 2020, 12:30
Actualizat: 17 11. 2021, 06:43

„Our democracy has grown mature and the Romanians have been in solidarity with the magistrates, expressing themselves clearly for European values, the rule of law and for a country where the law is the same for all. There are major gains for Romania, which we have an obligation to protect and strengthen. Independence of the judiciary, the creation of a correct and predictable legislative framework are desires which we will continue to follow unabashedly, regardless of difficulties. Based on this report, this year you have the possibility of an honest assessment of the results achieved and the creation of a dialogue as constructive as possible for a future strategy of development of the judicial system as a whole”, said the head of state in the speech given at the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ).

The president added that the high volume of activity of the Court, the complexity of the files, the legislative instability or the political pressures were some of the constant challenges that the magistrates have faced during the last years.

„The efforts already carried out by the High Court of Cassation and Justice to make its own jurisprudence more accessible is certainly a very important step in preventing the litigation situations. Unfortunately, the public agenda was busy with topics that rarely touched on the underlying issues in the judiciary, which would have required settled discussions and effective solutions. A better society is built on the basis of a solid foundation and this foundation is the confidence of citizens in the values of the rule of law, in the fact that the law – the result of expressing the sovereign will of the citizens through the elected authorities – is equal for all. Confidence in the state, in judiciary, in public institutions is, in fact, the bounding link of the whole society. The perception about the functioning of the justice system is formed from every interaction of citizens with it, which is why a constant and honest dialogue between the judiciary, citizens, but also the other public actors is more than necessary”, Klaus Iohannis added.

According to the president, a society develops and reaches its potential „when its citizens feel protected and know that, whenever their rights and freedoms are endangered, they will find justice in the judiciary courts”.

„Despite all the challenges, the huge steps Romania has taken in the direction of an independent, functional and modern justice, a justice aligned with the European values in which we all believe, are undeniable. And the High Court of Cassation and Justice and judges, in general, played a decisive role. We certainly do not have to stop here, because this whole process is a continuous one, the result of a joint effort that requires commitment, involvement, consistency and courage, as well as inspiring moral leaders. In conclusion, I assure you that in carrying out your mission you will always have in me a firm supporter of an independent and performing justice”, Iohannis underscored.

On Wednesday, at the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ), is being presented the activity report for 2019.