Agriculture Should Become A Priority To Romania – Social Democrat Head
“The time has come for all politicians to cooperate with specialists and professional people to set up a plan for a period of ten years at least, meant to turn agriculture into a strategic sector, of high importance to Romania,” Geoana said.
He said investments made in agriculture have to continue by creating the economic conditions for the farmers who receive these investments.
“No matter how many investments might be made with money from the World Bank, from Romania’s government, we need the beneficiaries because many investments have been made, but the economic conditions meant to enable them to invest and work in agriculture weren’t created. We should transform irrigation in a feasible economic issue,” Geoana added.
The investments for the rehabilitation of the irrigation system in Sadova-Corabia reach $5.3 million, of which 80% is funded by the World Bank and 20% by the Romanian Government.
The system will be used by eight organizations who exploit 35,000 hectares.
The investments in the irrigation system will amount to $27,000,000.