Union confederations said nearly 20,000 people are expected to join protests.
Protesters want the government to increase the minimum wage to 740 lei (EUR1=RON4.2619) in 2010 and to RON1,300 in 2014, improve salary grids in the unitary pay law for the public sector, support economic units, create jobs, protect workers and ensure decent pensions.
Unionists said they are not protesting against the Government’s recently passed laws, but against the Government’s failure to meet some of their older demands targeting several social measures „meant to actually integrate Romania in the European Union”.
Romania’s four union confederations Cartel Alfa, BNS, CNSLR – Fratia and CSDR, said workers all over the world demanded increased salaries, secure jobs and dialog-based solutions to problems and social conflicts, „not through obtrusive measures and repression”.
Romania’s public sector employees were on general strike Monday and are protesting Wednesday to get the government to approach social issues very seriously and responsibly. Unionists hope their protests will pave way for further talks with the government and set off debates regarding the problems they face and want to see concraete results „within maximum one month.”
Unionists stressed they will continue protests and even stage a general strike indefinitely unless government officials take a stand and do something.