Hungarian Minority Party Urges Romania To Recognize Independent Kosovo

Publicat: 17 02. 2008, 17:20
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:24
"Declaring independence in Kosovo comes after a painful period that had left no other solution. That is why, the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania considers that world countries should recognize the new independent state. Romania should not postpone this step either," says the statement signed by party president Marko Bela and executive president Kelemen Hunor.
"Hungarians in Romania are naturally very interested in ethnic conflicts worldwide and we have paid great attention to the contemporary history of the former Yugoslavia. The most important thing we have learned from this history is that an intolerant majority, ethnic intolerance, extremist nationalism can easily set a whole region ablaze," the statement adds.
UDMR says the party is for the "solution of ethnic problems using peaceful means” and hail the “active involvement of the European Union in seeking solutions for Kosovo".
The party added that with Kosovo, Europe has created a precedent.
The Kosovo parliament voted on Sunday the province’s declaration of independence.