Romanian MEP Gigi Becali Appears Before Prosecutors In Kidnapping Case

Publicat: 09 09. 2009, 13:51
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:28

Monday and Tuesday, prosecutors called in for questioning several witnesses proposed by Becali.

The businessman was arrested early April and spent two weeks in jail before he was released from custody on April 17 and was elected member of the European Parliament in June, which placed his case in the jurisdiction of the General Prosecutors’ Office. After the collection of all evidence, examinations and hearings of the final seven witnesses, proposed by Becali, prosecutors will move to the final stage before trial and present the criminal investigation materials.

Becali was charged with deprivation of freedom after he allegedly told his bodyguards to find and bring him the three men who had stolen his car. The three were apprehended and taken to a location owned by Becali, where they were allegedly held and harmed for several hours.