Romania Paid Second-Lowest Minimum Wage In EU In Jan ‘09 – Eurostat

Publicat: 30 07. 2009, 22:23
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:25

Romania is part of the first group of European states, which pay minimum wages below EUR400.

The first group includes nine states which recently joined the EU, namely Lithuania (EUR232), Latvia (EUR254), Hungary (EUR270), Estonia (EUR278), Poland (EUR281), Slovakia (EUR296) and the Czech Republic (EUR306).
According to the Eurostat report, in January 2009, 20 of the 27 Member States of the EU had national legislation setting statutory minimum wages.
The only state of the ten East and Central European states that recently joined the EU and succeeded in entering the second group was Slovenia, where the minimum wage is set at EUR589.
The second group, of minimum wages between EUR400 and EUR800, includes Portugal (EUR525), Malta (EUR630), Greece (EUR681) and Spain (EUR728).
The highest minimum wages exceeding EUR800 in January were paid in Luxembourg (EUR1,642),Ireland (EUR1,462), Belgium (EUR1,387), the Netherlands (EUR1,382), France (EUR1,321) and Great Britain (EUR1,010).