Romanian Govt Could Postpone Sending The Wage Law To Parliament Until Monday
Hossu said the three ministers who attended the talks Tuesday, namely labor minister Marian Sarbu, finance minister Gheorghe Pogea and interior minister Dan Nica, promised they will support the unionist proposition according to which the Government would take responsibility in principle for the law’s text, while towards the end of the week the dignitaries would once again meet with the social partners and Monday the document would be sent to Parliament.
"This is a relative delay, which would solve the dysfunctions signaled in the various hierarchies," Hossu said.
The "Cartel Alfa" leader said that, according to the deal made with the Government representatives, the Executive will take responsibility in principle for the law, but responsibility for the law’s text would be assumed Saturday or Sunday, in order to avoid social conflicts.
"This is not a Government decision, simply a proposition accepted by the ministers who attended the talks. We hope, however, that the government will accept this propositions," Hossu said.
He added the unionists could receive, Wednesday evening, after the Government meeting, a new form of the wage law, which will be analyzed until the end of the week, when there will be another meeting with the social partners.
The union leader explained that right now there are principle issues, as well as issues with the horizontal repositioning of the positions, so there are still many items that need to be reanalyzed.
Romanian prime minister Emil Boc will once again meet with the ministers tonight to discuss the final form of the unitary wage law, before the document is approved in the Government meeting held Wednesday, official sources told MEDIAFAX.
"The prime ministers informed the ministers he is willing to meet with those of them who are still unclear about the draft law, for strictly informal talks," the sources said.