„We have recently been working on different projects in Bulgaria and Romania; both are European Union member states. The free movement of patients through visa-free travel within EU territory will provide a steady flow of clients to our hospitals,” said Hüseyin Bozkurt, chairman of Medicana’s board of directors.
Bozkurt added the free movement of doctors and nurses within the EU will help Medicana run its investments and operations more smoothly in Romania and Bulgaria.
According to Bozkurt, Medicana operates in other countries by focusing mostly on the transfer of technology and expertise rather than direct investment.
He also said Medicana plans to run hospitals and provide management in countries from the Balkans, the Middle East, Central Asia or North Africa. Medicana owns five private hospitals in Turkey.
Worldwide, the healthcare tourism industry generates annual revenue of $100 billion, of which an estimated $500 million go to Turkey.