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NATO To Decide Whether To Start Intensified Dialog With Bosnia, Montenegro

A decision on whether to start intensified dialogue with Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro will be made at the Bucharest-hosted NATO summit, U.S. president George W. Bush said Wednesday, adding the Alliance is also open to closer cooperation with Serbia.
02 apr. 2008, 10:51, English
"The door to NATO membership remains open to other nations that seek it, in the Balkans and beyond,” Bush said in his speech Wednesday morning in Bucharest.
“At this summit we will also decide whether to accept the request of two other Balkan nations, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro, to begin an intensified dialog with NATO,” he added.
Bush said intensified dialog is a a major step on the road to NATO membership, and it is a step that America fully supports for thee two nations.
The U.S. president also extended a hand to Serbia.
"At the summit tomorrow we will also make clear that the door to NATO cooperation is open to Serbia as well,” Bush said.