About 70% Of Romanians Would Rather Buy A Home Than Pay Rent – Poll

Publicat: 13 04. 2011, 12:17
Actualizat: 18 11. 2012, 04:16

Of those who want to buy a home, 72% are looking at apartments and only 28% are thinking of houses.

For 60% of respondents, it doesn’t matter whether the home is old or newly-built.

„Although price is an important factor, most people would like to buy a three-room apartment (40%), followed by two-room apartments (24%), four-room apartments (22%) and studio flats (16%), the poll revealed.

The property website also found 23% of respondents prefer homes of 60-80 square meters, 22% prefers homes of 80-100 sqm and 17% want homes of more than 100 sqm.

According to the poll, over half of the respondents would pay between EUR35,000 and EUR80,000 for a home, 16% would pay EUR80,000 to EUR100,000 and also about 16% would pay less than EUR35,000. Only 8% of the respondents would pay EUR100,000 to EUR150,000 and only 3% would pay EUR150,000 to EUR200,000.

Questioned about the down payment they would afford for a home, 49% of respondents said they could afford to pay less than EUR10,000 up front.

Also, 17% of respondents would be willing to pay a maximum monthly installment of EUR150 for a house loan, 32% would afford to pay EUR250 – 300, 19% would pay EUR150 – 250, and nearly 13% could pay between EUR350 and EUR500. Only 9% of respondents said they could afford a monthly installment of EUR500 – 700 and 10% could afford to pay more than EUR700 per month.

Prospective homebuyers are mostly youngsters: 35% of respondents are under 30, 29% are aged 30 to 35, 15% are aged 35 to 40, 13% are aged 40 to 45, and about 8% of respondents are over 45.

The poll questioned 260 people online on www.imobiliare.ro, between January 3 and March 2, 2011.