Seven Counties Under Code Yellow Warning Of Snowstorms

Romania’s National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued on Thursday a code yellow warning of snowstorms and heavy snowfall for seven counties in the Moldova region, in effect from Thursday night until Friday afternoon.


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Seven Counties Under Code Yellow Warning Of Snowstorms

According to ANM, Buzau, Vrancea, Galati, Vaslui, Bacau, Neamt and Iasi counties will be under the effect of constant snowfall from Thursday, 22.00 local time until Friday at noon.

A consistent layer of snow is expected to form in the affected areas, while winds will temporarily reach values of up to 60-65 km/h, causing snowstorms and low visibility.

Meteorologists also announced that southern, eastern and central parts of the country will see moderate snowfall starting with Thursday afternoon, with extreme southeastern part of the country to see mixed precipitations and sleet, allowing favorable conditions for the formation of black ice.


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