Several Hundreds Protest Corruption Outside Event Launching Romania’s EU Council Presidency

Several hundred people were attending a protest near the Romanian Athenaeum on Thursday evening, which hosts the event marking the official start of the country’s EU Council presidency.


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Several Hundreds Protest Corruption Outside Event Launching Romania’s EU Council Presidency

The protesters chanted against the ruling PSD-ALDE coalition, proposed judicial bills, widespread corruption in the country and the Romanian Gendarmerie.

A number of notorious critics of the ruling coalition were present at the protest, including the leader of opposition party USR Dan Barna, former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos, former Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu, philosopher Mihai Sora and film director Stere Gulea.

“I am supporting this protest, because this protest brings the message of decent Romania. This is the message of Romanians who are fed up with having a country whose Government and Parliament are the law firm of Dragnea,” said USR leader Dan Barna.

During the protest, high ranked EU and Romanian officials were arriving at the Athenaeum for the official launch of the country’s EU Council presidency. European Parliament President Antonio Tajani, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk are among those attending the event.

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