Constantin Morosanu, the man who signed the notification addressed to the Constitutional Court, claims Basescu allegedly infringed the Constitution, adding he sued Basescu at the High Court of Justice. Due to the fact that Basescu is involved in a criminal trial, Morosanu required the Constitutional Court to reject Basescu’s candidacy for president.
The Constitutional Court motivated its decision to overrule Morosanu’s contestation saying the existence of a criminal trial against a person that runs for president does not impede the registration of the respective person’s candidacy, adding only a final court ruling against the respective person might represent such an impediment.
The Constitutional Court also said the registration of Basescu’s candidacy cannot be rejected based on accusation on infringement of the Constitutions as there is no evidence to sustain the charges.
The Constitutional Court ruled against Morosamu’s contestation Sunday when it rejected another contestation addressed by Bucur Volk Petru against the registration of Ovidiu-Cristian Iane’s candidacy in the presidential elections set for November 22.
The Central Electoral Office said Sunday 12 candidates for presidential elections were registered by the deadline on Friday and 15 candidates were rejected as they did not meet the required legal conditions.
The Electoral Office registered the following candidates: Constantin Ninel Potarca (independent candidate) who collected 287,378 signatures; liberal George-Crin-Laurentiu Antonescu with 1,615,556 signatures; Steaua financer George Becali, running of behalf of the Christain Democratic New Generation Party with 256,646 signatures; Hunor Kelemen of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania with 284,949 signatures Corneliu Vadim Tudor of the far-right Greater Romania Party with 346.510 signatures; social democrat Mircea-Dan Geoana with 2,536,506 signatures; Traian Basescu running on behalf of the Democratic Liberal Party with 1.712.950 signatures; Ovidiu-Cristian Iane of the Romanian Ecologist Party with 221,757 signatures; Sorin Mircea Oprescu , independent candidate with 400,215 signatures; Remus Florinel Cernea of the Green Party with 210,346 signatures; Constantin Rotaru of the Socialist Alliance Party with 242,606 signatures and Gheorghe Eduard Manole running independently with 273,000 signatures.
The Electoral Office rejected the following candidates as they did not meet the required legal conditions: Sabin Baltac; Cornel Cernoschi; Maria Zetea; Lascu Ioan; Emilian Florea Popescu; Boaca Nicolae; Marius Iulian Mirea; Doina-Elena Noghin; Ion Coja; Gheorghe Ovidiu Emil Stoenescu; Toteanu Nicolae; Astefanoaiei Ioan; Gheorghe Predescu; Munteanu Aurel; Nicolae Doru Popescu.