Romanian Airports To Set Fees After Consultations With Airlines – Draft

Publicat: 18 11. 2010, 18:39
Actualizat: 10 11. 2012, 01:31

The draft says the measure might lower air transport costs, as it will reduce the chance of ungrounded increases in airport fees and will strengthen the collaboration between airports and their users.

The draft will transpose into Romanian legislation a European Union directive which establishes a set of basic principles that must be considered while setting airport tariffs.

Romania’s Civil Aeronautic Authority, an independent body, is tasked with supervising the implementation of the EU directive and it will publish an annual report regarding its activities, will communicate and cooperate with the European Commission on aspects regarding the transposition of the directive.

Under the draft, the airport administrator will hold periodic consultations with the airlines using the airport as regards the functioning of the tariff system, the level of tariffs and the quality of services provided, based on a procedure published on the airport’s website. Also, the airport will provide all airlines with a list of services provided and the infrastructure, the methodology used at setting airport fees and the results of investments proposed for the airport’s capacity.

In turn, airlines will provide the airport administrator, before each consultation, with information mainly targeting traffic forecasts and their own airport upgrade projects.

The measure will come into effect within 30 days since publication, but no later than March 2011.