Lump Sum Tax To Be Restricted By Domains As Of Jan 1 – Romanian PM
Boc stated, after the coalition’s meeting, that the Finance Ministry was authorized, jointly with the ministers in the team of negotiation with the IMF, to support Monday the necessary measures for the economic activity and business environment, in order to keep jobs.
According to Boc, the measures refer to the maintaining of the flat tax at 16%, and the maintaining of the VAT at the same level.
Boc said the government would introduce the measure on non-taxing reinvested profit as of October 1, and pensions will also hike by 2%, according to the initially set calendar.
The PM added that, as of January 1, the lump sum tax would be restricted by domains or specific activities, established by the Finance Ministry specialists.
Emil Boc also said that they would provide the financial resources for infrastructure, jobs, as well as supplementary financial resources for financing EU projects.