Romanian Automotive Registry To Check Car Parts For Road Safety

Publicat: 30 07. 2008, 15:39
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:59

RAR will be obliged to make a detailed explanation for the refusal, according to a draft law developed by the Ministry of Transport, which will become effective on April 29, 2009 and which will amend the current legislation.

The draft law is necessary to harmonize Romanian laws with a European directive setting the norms for the acknowledgement of vehicles, as well as that of separate systems, parts and technical units meant for motor vehicles.

The directive states that member states will enact administrative acts and legal acts in order to conform to the directive by April 29, 2009.

The law also mentions that products with suspended or withdrawn acknowledgements, certificates or authorizations cannot be sold on the market.

If the producer, its representative or the importer fail to inform RAR on any changes brought to the acknowledgement literature, they could receive a fine ranging betweem 1,000 and 5,000 lei (EUR1 = RON3.5348).