Some 15,000 “Useless” Public Servants Need To Go - Romanian President

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Wednesdayon on public television that his recent statement regarding the laying off of 20% of state employees did not refer to 300,000 people, but to 10-15,000, adding the measure should be based on employee performance evaluations.


Imaginea articolului Some 15,000 “Useless” Public Servants Need To Go - Romanian President

Some 15,000 “Useless” Public Servants Need To Go - Romanian President

Basescu said the measure should also apply to the President's Office.

The head of state added his statement was misinterpreted when he said “a large number” – 20% - of public servants are “useless” and need to be laid off immediately.

Basescu said Wednesday he was referring to public sector institutions and the number envisaged nears 10,000 – 15,000 people, not 300,000.

The head of state once again said these measures need to be taken immediately, before the end of the month.



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