U.S. Dept Of State Human Rights Report: Abuse Continued In Romanian Prisons In 2010

Publicat: 08 04. 2011, 19:44
Actualizat: 04 04. 2020, 10:55

The report says Romanian prison conditions „remained harsh and at times did not meet international standards.”

„Although, according to the official figures, overcrowding did not represent a serious problem overall, there were prisons where the standard of [four square meters] per prisoner recommended by the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) was not observed,” says the report published Friday in Washington.

Still, the report notes that, in 2010, conditions in some Romanian prisons improved.

However, „[a]ccording to media and NGO reports, prisoners frequently assaulted and abused their fellow inmates, and prison authorities tried to cover up such incidents,” says the report, which mentions the case of inmate Constantin Sandu, who died on June 4 in the Galati penitentiary, after being restrained by the guards.