EC Sues Italy, Poland For Failure To Enact Free Movement Laws For Romanians

Publicat: 06 06. 2008, 16:52
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:54
Italy and Poland are the only member states that have still to enact Directive 2006/100/EC adapting certain directives in the field of freedom of movement of persons, the Commission said in a statement.
“As long as the Directive is not implemented into national law, professionals holding Bulgarian or Romanian qualifications risk enduring needlessly bureaucratic and slow procedures before being able to exercise their right to work anywhere in the European Union,” the statement noted.
The Directive, updates, among others all the lists of qualifications which benefit from automatic recognition by completing them with the corresponding Bulgarian and Romanian qualifications.
The deadline for transposing Directive 2006/100/EC expired on 1 January 2007.