Romanian Social Democrats, Liberal Democrats To Start Talks On Coalition Govt

Publicat: 08 12. 2008, 17:29
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:09

He said the condition to carry out negotiations is that the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, or UDMR, will not be part of the future government.
Geoana said over 40 members of the party’s central executive committee voted in favor of a coalition with the liberal democrats, while 17 members voted against.
A government including the social democrats will represent a guarantee that the economic crisis will not take its toll on common people in Romania, Geoana said.
“We could have chosen to remain in opposition, there were a few votes in favor as well, but this would mean we abdicate from our social mandate given by a few millions of Romanians,” Geoana mentioned.