Southern Romania Under Code-Yellow Alert Next Two Days For Rain, Wind

The southern half of Romania, including capital Bucharest, will be under a code-yellow alert for rain and gusty wind on Wednesday and Thursday, meteorologists said Tuesday.


Imaginea articolului Southern Romania Under Code-Yellow Alert Next Two Days For Rain, Wind

Southern Romania Under Code-Yellow Alert Next Two Days For Rain, Wind

As of Wednesday, snowfall is expected to gradually turn into sleet and then rain and precipitations will exceed 20 liters per square meter and even 40 liters per square meters in mountain areas.

Weather authorities also warned precipitation will lead to icy roads.

The southern half of Romania has been affected by heavy snowfall and blizzards over the weekend and the beginning of this week, leaving people snowed-in, trapped in cars on impassable roads or waiting for hours for ambulances. Railway traffic was also affected and the rail company cancelled dozens of trains, while others registered delays of up to six hours. Schools throughout the region were closed Monday and Tuesday and are set to open Wednesday.

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