Southern Romanian Town Elects New Mayor To Replace Fmr One, Jailed For Corruption

Democrat liberal Romeo Radulescu won Sunday the second round of election for mayor of the southern Romanian town Ramnicu Valcea, garnering 55.9% of the votes.


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Southern Romanian Town Elects New Mayor To Replace Fmr One, Jailed For Corruption

His contender, Remus Grigorescu, of the opposition Social Democratic Party, only secured 44.1 %of the votes, according to final results released by the town's electoral bureau.

Radulescu, 37, who is the town's current interim mayor, will be instated in office Monday.

The town of Ramnicu Valcea has been without a mayor since late January, when mayor Mircia Gutau and former deputy mayor Nicolae Dicu were arrested and sentenced to three years and a half in prison each for bribe taking.

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