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Romanian Prosecutor General Kovesi Says EC Justice Monitoring May Be Lifted This Year

Romania’s Prosecutor General, Codruta Kovesi, said Tuesday on radio station RFI that the Public Ministry and the National Anticorruption Department have registered some real progress, and European Commission monitoring could cease this year, but this also depends on the other justice institutions.
Romanian Prosecutor General Kovesi Says EC Justice Monitoring May Be Lifted This Year
02 feb. 2010, 15:44, English

„I can only speak for the Public Ministry and the National Anticorruption Department and I can say that from our perspective there are real chances. In the past two years, the monitoring reports have noted real progress in the two prosecution institutions. This monitoring, however, also depends on the other institutions in the justice system, the High Council of Magistrates and the Ministry of Justice, but from the Public Ministry’s point of view, at least the latest two reports said there has been some real progress,” Kovesi said.

Priorities established for last year included a more efficient fight against small-scale corruption.

„I hope this year, from the Public Ministry’s perspective, monitoring will be lifted, because efficiency is greater on this segment, due to the measures implemented last year,” Kovesi added.

European experts held in January talks with Bucharest officials regarding the progress achieved in Romania within the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, and a report on justice will be published by the European Commission in February.