Sportswear Giant Puma Enters Romanian Mkt Directly

Puma group, one of the world’s largest sportswear producers, will open a unit in Romania by yearend.


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Sportswear Giant Puma Enters Romanian Mkt Directly

Puma is present in Romania through Cluj-Napoca based Mexxem, which was its only importer and distributor.
Puma was founded back in 1924 in Germany and is currently present in over 40 countries worldwide, and employs nearly 8,000 people.
Mid-July, PPR company, the French owner of luxury brand Gucci, said it came to own 62.1% of Puma’s shares following a public offering of EUR5.3 billion. The remaining 37.9% in the company is listed on the stock market.
Puma sales increased by over 33% on the year in 2006, to EUR2.37 billion, and the company reported a net profit lower by 7.9%, of EUR263.2 million.

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