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Pilot Dies In Hang Glider Crash In C Romania

A hang glider crashed Saturday on the Cisnadie airfield in Sibiu, central Romania, killing the pilot on the spot, local police spokesperson Luciana Baltes said Saturday.
Pilot Dies In Hang Glider Crash In C Romania
08 mai 2010, 15:44, English

Baltes added that the pilot, 33, was flying a Cormoran two-seater powered hang glider and that he was licensed to fly hang gliders.

People close to investigations said the pilot may have attempted a reverse maneuver, causing hang glider wings to touch the ground.

They also said the pilot tried to bring the glider back to level flight and land, but he failed. They stressed, however, that the glider did not collapse suddenly, as this would have caused an explosion.

Prosecutors set off an inquiry to establish whether the accident was caused by human error or technical malfunction.