Romanian Car Pollution Tax To Observe Car Tech Data – Sources

Publicat: 31 03. 2008, 16:40
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:52

The tax for cars with Euro 4 or Euro 3 engines will be calculated with respect for several criteria, such as carbon dioxide emissions.

For these cars, the tax will be calculated based on the CO2 emission, expressed in grams/kilometer, written by the constructor in the identification documents for patenting, the specific tax expressed in Euro/1 gram of CO2, cylinder capacity, specific tax for cylinder volume, with a reduction applied depending on the age of the car, according to the draft emergency ordinance discussed Monday by the Government.

The tax is not paid for cars with Euro 5 engines, hybrids and electric cars.

The draft will be subject to public debate before being approved by the Government through Emergency Ordinance.