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Romanian Government To Hasten The Approval Of “First House” Loan Application Files

The Romanian Government and the banks plan to reduce the approval intervals for the application files within the “First House” program and to propose prolonging the deadline for signing the house transaction pre-contracts by up to 20 days.
Romanian Government To Hasten The Approval Of “First House” Loan Application Files
28 aug. 2009, 16:33, English

 The Government and the banks will also analyze the possibility to launch a new program to stimulate constructions.

Prime Minister Emil Boc met Friday with the leaders of the National Loan Guarantee Fund for SMEs to discuss the status of the “First House” program, the ways of supporting SMEs and the possibility to launch a new program to support new constructions.

Boc demanded the Government and the banks should come up with solutions to reduce the approval deadline for the “First House” application files and to widen the transaction pre-contract signing deadline to 45-50 days.

According to Boc, 1,500 bids for state guaranteed loans were registered in the “First House” program.

National Loan Guarantee Fund leader Aurel Saramet said he will meet next week with the representatives of the banks involved in the program to find solutions so as to reduce by 5 days the term of approving loan application files.