Steaua Owner Says Will Retire From Public Life To Herd Sheep

FC Steaua Bucureşti owner George Becali on Tuesday said he will withdraw from the public life to become “banker, media group owner and shepherd.”


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“As promised, I announce that I will withdraw from the public life. I will probably be on a TV show every three or four months. I will withdraw from the public life, but I still have a few additional projects. I am going to found a bank, so I will be a banker, I will set up a television channel and I will continue to manage Steaua, and my hobby will be to herd sheep. I will be a banker, media trust owner, football manager and shepherd,” Becali told a press conference.
“I feel I cannot live like a Christian as long as I am involved in public life,” he said.
Becali apologized to all politicians and sport officials he ever offended in public, as well as to Dorinel Munteanu for sacking him as Steaua’s coach.
“My apology to Dorinel consists in the EUR130,000 I pay to make good on all clauses and debts (…),” Becali mentioned.
He said Steaua has more chances to win the Romanian championships under Marius Lacatus’ command.
On Monday, Becali announced he dismissed coach Dorinel Munteanu less than two months after he took the helm, following Lacatus’ resignation after the 5-3 home defeat by Olympique Lyonnais in Champions League.
On Tuesday, Becali said he reached a new agreement with Lacatus, who “is not going to leave Steaua until he gets an offer of EUR4 million – EUR5 million abroad.”
Still on Tuesday, Steaua announced it received a EUR3,000 penalty from UEFA following incidents during their Champions League match against Bayern Munich.
Steaua initially said the penalty was imposed following incidents during their match with AC Fiorentina.


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