Prima pagină » English » Lukoil Romania Hikes Pump Prices By RON0.06 Per Liter

Lukoil Romania Hikes Pump Prices By RON0.06 Per Liter

Lukoil Romania, a unit of Russian oil company Lukoil Holdings, hiked Friday its gasoline and diesel oil pump prices by 0.06 lei (EUR1=RON4.2484) per liter and kept the LPG price unchanged, the company said in a statement.
Lukoil Romania Hikes Pump Prices By RON0.06 Per Liter
27 mart. 2009, 14:13, English

As of Friday, one liter of COR 95 unleaded Euroluk gasoline costs RON3.49, and one liter of COR 98 unleaded Super Euroluk gasoline costs RON4.07.

The Euro L Diesel can be bought with RON3.45 per liter, while one liter of Super Euro L Diesel is sold with RON3.64 as of Friday.

The price of one liter of liquefied petroleum gas, or LPG, remained at RON1.84.

Lukoil owns around 300 gas stations and Petrotel-Lukoil refinery on the Romanian market.