Health Minister: Inquiry Launched Concerning Possible Fake Physician

Publicat: 13 02. 2019, 17:06
Actualizat: 02 09. 2019, 06:40

The minister told MEDIAFAX that physician Mihai Teodor Dumitrache, who is employed by the Health Ministry’s Oncology Committee, is currently under investigations for suspicions regarding his degree.

This comes after the deputy chairman of Romania’s national physician’s associations, Marin Bodale, announced earlier in the day that Dumitrache and seven other physicians employed in both the private and public medical sectors were practicing without a license in the field.

However, Pintea defended the physician, calling him “one of the best specialists in his field” and specified that he has an expert-level permit issued by the National Commission for Nuclear Activity Control (CNCAN) for the field of radiotherapy.

The Emergency Military “Carol Davila Hospital” also issued a statement on Wednesday, in which it said that Dumitrache, who was employed at the institution in 2015, was legally hired through contest to their Radiotherapy section.

The new scandal comes just one day after journalists from Libertatea revealed that a woman who forged her medical degree worked for ten years at the Ilfov Emergency Hospital, while last week an Italian national was found to be practicing as a plastic surgeon in Bucharest despite lacking a medical license.