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Magistrate Investigation Section Chief Accuses Obstructions from General Prosecutor

The chief of the Romania’s Section for Investigating Judicial Offences (SIIJ), Gheorghe Stan, accused General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar of obstructing the section’s activity, in a press statement on Wednesday evening.
Magistrate Investigation Section Chief Accuses Obstructions from General Prosecutor
Ionut Preda
28 feb. 2019, 20:32, English

“Despite the fact that were a lot of positive signals from magistrates, as they were open to the establishment of this section, ever since it was opened we have suffered obstructions from the Public Ministry leadership – we are talking about the General Prosecutor – in ensuring the logistical aspects, equipment, drafting an organization chart, but also in how the principles which govern the ministry’s activity are interpreted,” the SIIJ chief said.

Gheorghe Stan also defended the three Government emergency decree which concerned the section, saying about the latest controversial act passed last week that it was necessary to correlate regulation regarding his competencies.

The section took over 1,442 cases regarding judges and prosecutors since its establishment in late 2018, 70% of which were launched following ex officio notifications.