The Galati Court of Appeal maintained the ruling of the Focsani Court. The decision is irrevocable.
The court sentenced Ionel Neagoe, Mihai Guna and Ion Gherghe to four years in prison for manslaughter. The three were also ordered to pay damages.
Gherghe, manager of the chemical plant Doljchim, which produced the ammonium nitrate, and Guna and Neagoe, administrators of the two transport companies involved in the Mihailesti incident, were ordered to pay a total 3.246 million lei (EUR1=RON3.7617) and EUR430,000 in damages.
On May 24, 2004, a road train carrying 20 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded near Mihailesti, killing 18 people and injuring another 13.
In December 2006, the three were sentenced by the Focsani Court to our years in prison, but were acquitted by the Vrancea Court in October 2007. the acquittal decision was appealed with the Galati Court of Appeal.