Prima pagină » English » Romanian Budget To Lose RON140M On Tax-Free Reinvested Pft – Fin Min

Romanian Budget To Lose RON140M On Tax-Free Reinvested Pft – Fin Min

The tax exemption on reinvested profit will deprive Romania’s budget of 140 million lei (EUR1- RON4.2143) starting with October, Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea said Tuesday.
Romanian Budget To Lose RON140M On Tax-Free Reinvested Pft – Fin Min
11 aug. 2009, 15:13, English

“Regarding the tax-free reinvested profit, discussed with the Fund (the International Monetary Fund – e.n.), the negative impact on the revenues will be of RON140 million,” Pogea said.

He said the tax exemption will be applied next year as well.

Ministry’s state secretary Gheorghe Gherghina told Mediafax the first effects of the tax-free reinvested profit would be felt next year, as the first payments due for the fourth quarter are scheduled in the first part of 2010.