The Government said in a press release that, according to Kroes, a final decision on the matter will most likely be taken during the Danish EU Presidency, starting January 1, 2012.
The EU commissioner added that each EU member state will decide on the mechanism to implement the new regulations, reads the press release.
Communications Minister Valerian Vreme, who also attended the meeting, said the ministry will put forward this year a national information Strategy for 2012-2020, based on the objectives included in the Digital Agenda, according to the source.
An EC proposition gives mobile operators which do not have their own network the right to use other operators’ networks in other EU member states at regulated wholesale prices.
The new regulations will also allow customers to sign cheaper mobile roaming contracts, apart from their contract for national mobile services, while using the same telephone number.
The EC proposed to progressively reduce current retail price caps on voice services to EUR0.24/minute by July 2014, from EUR0.35/minute.
In order to be implemented, the measures must be approved by the European Parliament and the 27 EU member states.