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Romanian Agr Ministry Assigns RON70M To Support Farmers

The Romanian Agriculture Ministry assigned 70 million lei (EUR1=RON42495) to support farmers in the animal husbandry sector and to ensure non-reimbursable co-funding for investment projects within the SAPARD program, whose payments have to be operated next week.
Romanian Agr Ministry Assigns RON70M To Support Farmers
10 sept. 2009, 14:48, English

The ministry approved Wednesday RON64.065 million to support farmers in the animal breeding sector to improve milk quality destined for processing, in order to meet EU quality standards, according to a statement of the ministry.

The amount represents the discount deposited by the Agency for Payment and Intervention in Agriculture for the second quarter in 2009 and the level of the granted support reached RON0.3 per each liter of milk delivered for processing.

Payments to the beneficiaries will be granted by the agency next week, the statement said.

The Payment Agency for Rural Development and Fisheries will begin payments amounting to RON5.29 million for non-reimbursable co-funding to the beneficiaries of investment projects within the SAPARD program. The agency will fund the food products industry, agricultural exploitations and the diversification of economic activities.