Pwr Prices For Household Users In Low-Consumption Category Up 7.9% In 1H
Natural gas prices for household end-users in the low-consumption category rose by 5.6% and by 7.4% for those in the high-consumption category, the release reads.
At the end of June, electric power price for end users were between 0.3937 lei (EUR1=RON3.6494)/kwh for the lowest annual consumption category and RON0.3863/kwh for the highest consumption category.
Natural gas prices were also between RON33.9333/GJ and RON33.4496/GJ, also by consumption category.
Electric power prices for industrial users in the low consumption category were down at RON0.4735/kwh, compared with RON0.4815/kwh in the second half of 2007, while for those in the high consumption category, prices were up some 18% at RON0.2695/kwh.
Natural gas prices for industrial consumers in the low consumption category were up 6.6%, at RON33.6054/GJ while for those in the high consumption category, prices rose 10.2% at RON23.9706/GJ.
Natural gas and electric power prices are collected twice a year, in January and July, and represent the average price paid for natural gas and electric power by industrial and household end-users in the last six months.