ING: Romania Likely To Miss 2011 Deficit Target

Publicat: 29 11. 2010, 13:16
Actualizat: 09 11. 2012, 09:47

According to the draft budget, which was obtained by MEDIAFAX last week, the government plans to cut public slashing by 2.2% of GDP in 2011, while increasing revenues by 0.3% of GDP.

The budget gap is expected to narrow to 4.4% of GDP, from 6.8% of GDP estimated for 2010.

ING analysts said that reaching next year’s targets would put Romania in a favorable light on international markets.

The bank estimates Romania’s budget deficit will be 5% of GDP in 2011, saying that the authorities are likely to face difficulties in continuing the assumed austerity measures because 2012 will be an elections year.ING, fo